
AWS S3 (Cross Region) Replication

AWS S3 Cross Region Replication is a bucket-level configuration that enables automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across buckets in different AWS Regions, these buckets are referred to as source bucket and destination bucket. When replication is set up by default; Replicas have the same key names and the same metadata—for example, creation time, user-defined metadata, and version ID Amazon S3 stores object replicas using the same storage class as the source object, unless you explicitly specify a different storage class in the replication configuration Assuming that the object replica continues to be owned by the source object owner, when Amazon S3 initially replicates objects, it also replicates the corresponding object access control list (ACL) Use cases Cross region replication is useful for various reasons, including;

AWS S3 Buckets

Buckets To upload data (i.e files like videos, photos, spreadsheets etc) to Amazon S3, a bucket needs to be created first. A bucket is an organizational structure similar to a drive or a mount point on an operating system in the sense that files and dicrectories/folders can be stored in them. It is important to note that the S3 bucket names are globally unique across all regions and all accounts on AWS and the name chosen for the buckets must be DNS compliant.